Kai’s are consumable single use items that provide different utilities. Kai’s can reduce the growing time of a baby hound, change the color of a hound or provide temporary attribute changes. Each attribute gain comes with a different attribute loss following same synergy with Rigs. Effect of a Kai last for 7 days and can’t be removed during the 7-day period.
Metal Eagle
Increase speed by 10%
Decrease power by 10%
Steel Hawk
Increase speed by 10%
Decrease stamina by 10%
Dinosaur Bacon
Increase power by 10%
Decrease speed by 10%
Dragon Bacon
Increase power by 10%
Decrease jump by 10%
Silver Fox
Increase stamina by 10%
Decrease speed by 10%
Golden Fox
Increase stamina by 10%
Decrease acceleration by 10%
Bull Rat
Increase agility by 10%
Decrease jump by 10%
Cheetah Mouse
Increase agility by 10%
Decrease acceleration by 10%
Puffy Food
Increase acceleration by 10%
Decrease agility by 10%
Crunchy Food
Increase acceleration by 10%
Decrease stamina by 10%
Mad Hare
Increase jump by 10%
Decrease acceleration by 10%
Rusty Rabbit
Increase jump by 10%
Decrease speed by 10%
Peace of Heaven
Reduces the breeding cooldown by 24 hours
Rainbow Pointer
Randomly changes the color of a hound
Last updated