
Guilds are the backbone of play-to-earn games. With Meta Hound rental system we developed an automated payment system inside the game. This systems provides security and reliability to both Hound owner(Manager) and Renter(Scholar) avoiding scams/mispayments. All payments occur on Avalanche Smart Chain via smart contracts which guarantee the transactions. There are two rental systems in Meta Hound

Fixed Rental

Owners can rent out their Hounds for a fixed price and time window and renter gets the full income of the hound during that time period.

Profit Share

Owners may rent out their hounds directly to a specific wallet or to the marketplace creating a contract that splits the profits in a fixed percentage between the owner and renter. Owner may cancel out and take his/hers hound back at anytime s/he wants. Scholars can only rent out 3 hounds at any given time

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